Threading libraries hide very little of the complexity involved in the use of threads. Often, the focus and the major obstacles in implementing a multithreaded system are the low-level details of threading, rather than the problems that the system is designed to solve.
Objects can be said to model reality, thereby providing good abstraction. However, a crucial part of reality that is not represented adequately in an object is a sense of time. Objects exist in time and space, and interact with other objects; they have "life". A mechanism for intuitively expressing such Live Objects (or Active Objects), where an object has its own thread, is missing from the threading libraries in (libraries of) object-oriented languages today.
Presently to use threads, we create a thread and give it sections of code (from the object) for it to do. For example,
threadHandle=CreateThread(StuffToDo , OS/LibraryParameters)
is how threads of control are created from the program. The code (StuffToDo) is then executed in the newly created thread.
2.1 Observations
In the present library implementations,
2a Threads use objects.
The thread executes a function, possibly a function or method of an object. In the example, StuffToDo could be the method of an object.
2b Threads are to functions what objects are to classes.
Or, threads are objects. The thread object instantiates a function, brings into execution-space so to say, executing it. The implementation forces the thread to become a first-class "object" in the program-space. It has a handle, threadHandle, that can be used to refer to it.
2c Threads are almost equivalent to operating system threads.
Most of what can be done with an operating system thread can be done with library threads also - one can suspend a thread, resume it, abort it etc
In the real world, entities use their time and their resources to do things. A thread can be viewed as a flow of time for practical purposes. In the library-model, threads use objects (2a) whereas in reality, objects use threads. This unnatural modeling contributes to the difficulties of conceptualizing and implementing threaded systems.
An object oriented program/system is an exchange of messages between objects resulting in side-effects useful towards the solution of the problem at hand. Thread objects (2b) are only an implementation mechanism, a way of calling a function; they do not help to manage complexity. Instead, thread object interactions add complexity and intrude on the main logic of the program.
A LOOP (Live Object Oriented Programming) language is the need of the hour. Such a language would help people to take their minds off low-level threading details and focus on more domain-relevant issues at hand, enabling the construction of more useful programs.
- Thomas Jay Cubb
External links
1 The Free Lunch Is Over
2 Software and the Concurrency Revolution
3 Discussion on Active Objects In Python
4 IBM Research- The X10 Programming Language - A LOOP language?
5 Polyphonic C# in Cw - Another LOOP language?